How do I install and configure PyPy3 on Windows

Download the PyPy3 Installer

The first step to install and configure PyPy3 on Windows is to download the PyPy3 installer. The latest version of PyPy3 can be downloaded from the official PyPy3 website. Once the download is complete, you can proceed to the next step.

# Download the PyPy3 installer

Run the Installer

Once you have downloaded the PyPy3 installer, you can run it to install the software on your Windows machine. To do this, double-click the installer file and follow the on-screen instructions. Make sure to read all the instructions carefully and select the appropriate options. Once the installation is complete, you can add PyPy3 to the system path and configure the environment variables.

Double-click the installer file
Follow the on-screen instructions

Add PyPy3 to the System Path

Adding PyPy3 to the system path is an important step in the installation process. This will allow you to access the PyPy3 interpreter from any directory on your computer. To do this, you will need to open the System Properties window and add the PyPy3 installation directory to the PATH environment variable.

First, open the System Properties window by pressing the Windows + R keys and typing sysdm.cpl into the Run dialog. Then, click on the Advanced tab and click on the Environment Variables button.

In the Environment Variables window, select the Path variable from the list and click Edit. Then, add the path to the PyPy3 installation directory to the end of the list. For example, if you installed PyPy3 in the C:\pypy3 directory, you would add C:\pypy3 to the end of the list.

Once you have added the PyPy3 installation directory to the PATH environment variable, click OK to save the changes. You can now access the PyPy3 interpreter from any directory on your computer.

Configure the Environment Variables

After downloading and running the PyPy3 installer, you need to configure the environment variables to make sure that the PyPy3 interpreter is accessible from the command line. To do this, you need to add the PyPy3 installation directory to the system path. This can be done by opening the System Properties window and clicking on the Advanced tab. Then, click on the Environment Variables button and add the PyPy3 installation directory to the Path variable. For example, if you installed PyPy3 in the C:\Program Files\PyPy3 directory, you would add the following line to the Path variable: C:\Program Files\PyPy3.

Once the environment variables have been configured, you can test the installation by opening a command prompt and typing pypy3 --version. This should output the version of PyPy3 that you have installed. If the command is not recognized, then the environment variables have not been configured correctly. You can find more information on how to configure environment variables in the Microsoft documentation.

Test the Installation

Once you have installed PyPy3 and configured the environment variables, you can test the installation by running a simple Python program. To do this, open a command prompt window and type pypy3. If the installation was successful, you should see the PyPy3 prompt. From here, you can type in Python commands and see the output. For example, you can type print("Hello World!") and you should see the output

Hello World!

You can also test the installation by running a Python script. To do this, create a file called and add the following code:

print("Hello World!")

Save the file and then open a command prompt window and type pypy3 If the installation was successful, you should see the output

Hello World!

If you encounter any errors during the installation or testing process, you can refer to the PyPy3 documentation for help.

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