How to Deploy Django on Oracle Cloud

Django is a powerful web framework that makes it easy to build complex, database-backed web applications. With Oracle Cloud, you can deploy your Django application quickly and easily. This tutorial will walk you through the steps of deploying a Django application on Oracle Cloud.

Step 1: Create an Oracle Cloud Account

The first step in deploying your Django application on Oracle Cloud is to create an account. You can do this by visiting the Oracle Cloud sign-up page. Once you have created your account, you will be able to access the Oracle Cloud console.

Step 2: Install the Oracle Cloud CLI

The next step is to install the Oracle Cloud Command Line Interface (CLI). The CLI is a tool that allows you to manage your Oracle Cloud resources from the command line. To install the CLI, follow the instructions on the Oracle Cloud documentation page. Once you have installed the CLI, you can use it to manage your Oracle Cloud resources.

Step 3: Create a Compute Instance

Once you have installed the CLI, you can use it to create a compute instance. A compute instance is a virtual machine that will host your Django application. To create a compute instance, run the following command:

$ oci compute instance create --compartment-id

Replace , , , , and with values from your environment. You can find these values in the Oracle Cloud console.

Step 4: Install Python and Django

Once you have created your compute instance, you can use SSH to connect to it and install Python and Django. To install Python, run the following command:

$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install python3 python3-dev python3-venv python3-pip -y

To install Django, run the following command:

$ pip3 install django==2.1.7

Step 5: Configure Your Application

Once you have installed Python and Django, you can configure your application by creating a settings file and adding any necessary configuration options. For example, if you are using a database, you will need to add database connection information to your settings file.

Step 6: Deploy Your Application

Once your application is configured, you can deploy it using the Oracle Cloud CLI. To deploy your application, run the following command:

$ oci compute instance launch --compartment-id
--metadata '{"app": "django"}' --launch-configuration '{"command": "python runserver"}' --wait-for-state RUNNING --max-wait 600 --wait --force --debug

This command will launch a compute instance with your Django application running on port 8000.

Conclusion < p >In this tutorial, we have shown how to deploy a Django application on Oracle Cloud using the Oracle Cloud CLI. We have walked through each step of the process from creating an account to launching a compute instance with our application running on port 8000. < p >We hope this tutorial has been helpful in getting started with deploying Django applications on Oracle Cloud. Useful Links: - [Oracle Cloud Documentation]( - [Django Documentation]( - [Python Documentation](