How to Install and Set Up Go on Your Development Machine

Download the Go binary distribution for your operating system from the official Go website

To install Go on your development machine, you need to download the Go binary distribution for your operating system from the official Go website. The Go binary distribution is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems. To download the Go binary distribution, go to and select the version of Go that is compatible with your operating system. Once you have downloaded the Go binary distribution, you can extract the file to the directory of your choice.

$ tar -C /usr/local -xzf go$VERSION.$OS-$ARCH.tar.gz

Extract the downloaded file to the directory of your choice

Once you have downloaded the Go binary distribution for your operating system from the official Go website, you need to extract the file to the directory of your choice. To do this, you can use the tar command. For example, if you have downloaded the file to your Downloads folder, you can extract it by running the following command:

tar -xvf go1.14.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz -C ~/Downloads

This will extract the file to the Downloads folder. You can also extract the file to any other directory of your choice. Once the file is extracted, you can move on to the next step, which is setting the environment variables for Go.

Set the environment variables for Go

In order to set up Go on your development machine, you need to set the environment variables for Go. This can be done by adding the following lines to your .bashrc or .profile file:

export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin:$GOPATH/bin

The GOROOT variable should be set to the directory where you extracted the Go binary distribution. The GOPATH variable should be set to the directory where you want to store your Go projects. The PATH variable should be set to include the GOROOT/bin and GOPATH/bin directories.

Once you have added the environment variables to your .bashrc or .profile file, you need to source the file to apply the changes. This can be done by running the following command:

source ~/.bashrc


source ~/.profile

You can then test the installation by running the command go version which should output the version of Go that you have installed.

Source the .bashrc or .profile file to apply the changes

Once you have downloaded the Go binary distribution for your operating system from the official Go website, extracted the downloaded file to the directory of your choice, and set the environment variables for Go, you need to source the .bashrc or .profile file to apply the changes. To do this, open the terminal and run the following command:

source ~/.bashrc
source ~/.profile
depending on your operating system. This will apply the changes to the environment variables and you can now test the installation by running the command
go version
to check the version of Go installed on your machine. After this, you can create a workspace for your Go projects, and create a src, bin, and pkg directory inside the workspace directory. Finally, you can create a new project by running the command
go get <package-name>

Test the installation by running the command “go version”

To test the installation of Go on your development machine, you need to run the command go version. This command will display the version of Go that is installed on your machine. To run the command, open a terminal window and type go version. If the installation was successful, you will see the version of Go that is installed on your machine. For example, if you have installed Go version 1.14, you will see the output go version go1.14. If you don't see the version of Go that you have installed, it means that the installation was not successful and you need to check the environment variables and the installation directory.

In order to install and set up Go on your development machine, you need to create a workspace for your Go projects. This workspace will contain three directories: src, bin, and pkg. To create the workspace, open your terminal and run the following commands:

$ mkdir -p ~/go/src
$ mkdir -p ~/go/bin
$ mkdir -p ~/go/pkg

The src directory will contain all of your Go source code, the bin directory will contain the compiled binaries, and the pkg directory will contain the compiled packages. Once you have created the workspace, you can create a new project by running the command go get <package-name>. For more information on how to use the go get command, please refer to the official Go documentation.

Create a “src” directory inside the workspace directory

The next step in setting up Go on your development machine is to create a “src” directory inside the workspace directory. This directory will contain all the source code for your Go projects. To create the “src” directory, open a terminal window and run the following command:

mkdir -p ~/go/src

This command will create the “src” directory inside the “go” directory. Once the directory is created, you can start creating your Go projects inside it. You can also use the go get command to download and install packages from the official Go repository. For example, to install the “net/http” package, you can run the following command:

go get net/http

This command will download and install the “net/http” package in the “src” directory. You can then use the package in your Go projects. For more information on the go get command, you can refer to the official Go documentation.

Create a “bin” directory inside the workspace directory

The next step in setting up Go on your development machine is to create a “bin” directory inside the workspace directory. This directory will contain the compiled binaries of your Go projects. To create the “bin” directory, open a terminal window and run the following command:

mkdir ~/go/bin
This will create a “bin” directory inside the workspace directory. You can also create the “bin” directory manually by navigating to the workspace directory and creating a new directory named “bin”. Once the “bin” directory is created, you can move on to the next step in setting up Go on your development machine.

Create a “pkg” directory inside the workspace directory

The next step in setting up Go on your development machine is to create a “pkg” directory inside the workspace directory. This directory will contain all the packages that you install using the “go get” command. To create the “pkg” directory, open a terminal window and run the following command: mkDIR ~/go/pkg. This will create the “pkg” directory inside the workspace directory. Once the directory is created, you can install packages using the “go get” command. For example, to install the “” package, you can run the command go get This will download the package and install it in the “pkg” directory. You can then use the package in your Go projects.

Create a new project by running the command “go get

To create a new project with Go, you need to run the command go get <package-name>. This command will download the package from the official Go repository and install it in your workspace. You can find the package name on the official Go website. Once the package is installed, you can start working on your project. To run the command, open a terminal window and navigate to the workspace directory. Then, type go get <package-name> and press enter. The package will be downloaded and installed in the workspace. You can find the installed package in the src directory inside the workspace. Once the package is installed, you can start working on your project. You can find more information about the package on the official Go website If you have any questions or need help with the installation process, you can always contact the Go team on their official website. They will be more than happy to help you out.

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