How to integrate PayPal with Django?

Install the django-paypal package

In order to integrate PayPal with Django, you need to install the django-paypal package. This package provides a set of Django applications that allow you to easily integrate PayPal into your Django project. To install the package, open a terminal window and run the following command:

pip install django-paypal

Once the package is installed, you can add it to your project by adding the following line to your project's file:


You can now start using the django-paypal package to integrate PayPal with your Django project.

Add the django-paypal app to your project

In order to integrate PayPal with Django, you need to install the django-paypal package. This package provides a set of Django applications that allow you to easily integrate PayPal into your Django project. To install the package, open a terminal window and run the following command:

pip install django-paypal

Once the package is installed, you need to add the django-paypal app to your project. To do this, open the file in your project and add the following line to the INSTALLED_APPS list:


This will enable the django-paypal app in your project. After adding the app, you need to configure the PayPal settings. This can be done by adding the following lines to the file:


The PAYPAL_RECEIVER_EMAIL setting should be set to the email address associated with your PayPal account. The PAYPAL_TEST setting should be set to True if you are using the PayPal sandbox for testing. Once the settings are configured, you can create a PayPal view in your project. This view will handle the PayPal IPN (Instant Payment Notification) requests.

Configure the PayPal settings

In order to integrate PayPal with Django, you need to configure the PayPal settings. To do this, you need to install the django-paypal package and add the django-paypal app to your project. Then, you need to add the following settings to your project's file:


The PAYPAL_TEST setting is used to enable the sandbox mode, which allows you to test the integration without using real money. The PAYPAL_RECEIVER_EMAIL setting is used to specify the PayPal email address that will receive the payments. Once you have added these settings, you can create a PayPal view and add the PayPal URL to your project's URLs.

Create a PayPal View

In this step, we will create a PayPal view in our Django project. This view will be responsible for handling the payment process. To do this, we will use the django-paypal package. This package provides a set of views and templates that make it easy to integrate PayPal into your Django project. First, we need to install the package:

pip install django-paypal

Once the package is installed, we need to add it to our project's INSTALLED_APPS setting:


Next, we need to configure the PayPal settings. This can be done in the file:


Now that the settings are configured, we can create the PayPal view. This view will be responsible for handling the payment process. To do this, we will use the PayPalPaymentsForm class provided by the django-paypal package. This class takes a set of parameters that define the payment process. We will create a view that takes these parameters as arguments and renders the PayPalPaymentsForm with the given parameters:

from paypal.standard.forms import PayPalPaymentsForm

def paypal_view(request):
    paypal_dict = {
        "business": "",
        "amount": "10.00",
        "item_name": "My Item",
        "invoice": "unique-invoice-id",
        "notify_url": request.build_absolute_uri(reverse('paypal-ipn')),
        "return_url": request.build_absolute_uri(reverse('your-return-view')),
        "cancel_return": request.build_absolute_uri(reverse('your-cancel-view')),

    # Create the instance.
    form = PayPalPaymentsForm(initial=paypal_dict)
    context = {"form": form}
    return render(request, "payment.html", context)

Finally, we need to add the PayPal URL to our project's file:

urlpatterns = [
    path('paypal/', paypal_view, name="paypal-view"),

Now that the PayPal view is created and configured, we can start accepting payments in our Django project. For more information on integrating PayPal with Django, please refer to the django-paypal documentation.

Add the PayPal URL to your project's URLs

In order to integrate PayPal with Django, you need to add the PayPal URL to your project's URLs. To do this, open the file in your project's root directory and add the following line:

url(r'^paypal/', include('paypal.urls')),

This will add the PayPal URL to your project's URLs, allowing you to access the PayPal API. You can find more information about the PayPal API here.

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