How to manage multiple Django apps?

Create a Project Folder

Creating a project folder is the first step in managing multiple Django apps. This folder will contain all the files and folders related to your Django project. To create a project folder, open your terminal and type the following command: mkdir my_project. This will create a folder named my_project in your current directory. Once the folder is created, you can move into it by typing cd my_project. Now you are ready to install Django and create your virtual environment. To learn more about creating a project folder, you can read the official Django tutorial.

Install Django

Django is a powerful web framework that allows you to create and manage multiple apps. To get started, you need to install Django on your system. To do this, open a terminal window and type the following command:

pip install Django

This will install the latest version of Django on your system. Once the installation is complete, you can verify the installation by typing the following command:

python -m django --version

This will output the version of Django that is installed on your system. You can also check the official Django website for more information about the installation process.

Create a Virtual Environment

Creating a virtual environment is an important step when managing multiple Django apps. It allows you to keep the dependencies required by different projects in separate places, by creating virtual Python environments for them. To create a virtual environment, you need to install Virtualenv first. After that, you can create a virtual environment by running the following command in your project folder:

virtualenv venv

This will create a folder in your project directory, which will contain the Python executable files, and a copy of the pip library which you can use to install other packages. To activate the virtual environment, you need to run the following command:

source venv/bin/activate

Now you can install packages in the virtual environment without affecting the global Python installation. To deactivate the virtual environment, you can run the command:


Creating a virtual environment is a great way to manage multiple Django apps, as it allows you to keep the dependencies required by different projects in separate places. This makes it easier to maintain and update the apps, as you don't have to worry about conflicting dependencies.

Create a Django App

Creating a Django app is an essential step in managing multiple Django apps. To create a Django app, you need to install Django first. After installing Django, you can create a virtual environment and then create a Django app. To create a Django app, you need to open the command line and type the following command: django-admin startproject myproject. This command will create a project folder with the name myproject. Inside the project folder, you will find the file. This file is used to manage the Django app. You can also configure the settings for the Django app by editing the file. After configuring the settings, you need to create a database for the Django app. You can use the migrate command to create the database. After creating the database, you can deploy the Django app. You can use the runserver command to deploy the Django app. Finally, you can monitor the Django apps using the monitor command.

Configure the Settings

Once you have created a Django app, you need to configure the settings. This includes setting up the database, configuring the URL routing, and setting up the static files. To configure the settings, open the file in the project folder and add the following code:

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
        'NAME': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'db.sqlite3'),

ROOT_URLCONF = 'myproject.urls'

STATIC_URL = '/static/'
    os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static"),

The DATABASES setting is used to configure the database for the project. The ROOT_URLCONF setting is used to configure the URL routing for the project. The STATIC_URL setting is used to configure the static files for the project. Finally, the STATICFILES_DIRS setting is used to configure the directory where the static files are stored.

Once the settings are configured, you can deploy the app and monitor the apps. For more information on how to deploy and monitor Django apps, check out this tutorial.

Create a Database

Creating a database is an important step when managing multiple Django apps. To create a database, you need to install a database management system such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQLite. Once you have installed the database management system, you can create a database using the command line. For example, if you are using MySQL, you can use the following command to create a database: CREATE DATABASE my_database;. After creating the database, you need to configure the settings in your Django project. You can do this by editing the DATABASES section in the file. Make sure to include the database name, username, password, and other details. Once you have configured the settings, you can deploy the app and monitor the apps to ensure they are running smoothly.

Deploy the App

Deploying a Django app is a straightforward process. First, you need to create a project folder and install Django. Then, create a virtual environment and create a Django app. After that, configure the settings and create a database. Finally, you can deploy the app. To do this, you need to use the python runserver command. This command will start the development server and make your app available to the public. You can also use a web server such as Apache or Nginx to deploy your app. For more information on deploying Django apps, check out the official Django documentation. Once your app is deployed, you can monitor it using tools such as New Relic or Sentry. These tools will help you identify any issues with your app and ensure that it is running smoothly.

Monitor the Apps

Once you have deployed your Django apps, it is important to monitor them to ensure they are running smoothly. You can use a variety of tools to monitor your apps, such as Datadog, New Relic, and Elastic. These tools will allow you to track the performance of your apps, as well as any errors or issues that may arise. Additionally, you can use the Django admin panel to monitor the status of your apps. To access the admin panel, open a terminal window and type the following command:

python runserver

This will open the Django admin panel in your browser. From here, you can view the status of your apps, as well as any errors or issues that may have occurred. Additionally, you can use the Django shell to monitor your apps. To access the shell, type the following command in a terminal window:

python shell

This will open the Django shell in your terminal window. From here, you can run commands to monitor the status of your apps. Additionally, you can use the Django debug toolbar to monitor the performance of your apps. To access the debug toolbar, open a terminal window and type the following command:

python runserver --noreload --debug-toolbar

This will open the debug toolbar in your browser. From here, you can view the performance of your apps, as well as any errors or issues that may have occurred. By monitoring your apps regularly, you can ensure that they are running smoothly and that any issues are addressed quickly.

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