Step 1: Install Django and Ember.js

In this tutorial, we will learn how to use Django with Ember.js. To get started, we need to install both Django and Ember.js on our system. To install Django, you can use the official download page. For Ember.js, you can use the official website. Once you have downloaded and installed both frameworks, you are ready to start building your application.

# Install Django
pip install django

# Install Ember.js
npm install -g ember-cli

Step 2: Set up your project

In this step, you will learn how to set up your Django and Ember.js project. First, you need to install both Django and Ember.js. To do this, you can use the command line or a package manager like pip or npm. Once you have installed both frameworks, you can create a new project directory and create the necessary files for your application. After that, you need to configure the settings for both frameworks. For Django, you need to create a file and for Ember.js, you need to create an ember-cli-build.js file. Once the configuration is done, you can start coding your application.

# Install Django
pip install django

# Install Ember.js
npm install -g ember-cli

# Create a new project directory
mkdir myproject
cd myproject

# Create the necessary files for your application
touch ember-cli-build.js

Step 3: Create the Models

In this step, we will create the models for our Django project. Models are used to store data in a database and are the foundation of any Django application. To create a model, we need to create a class that inherits from the models.Model class. We can then add fields to the model, which will be used to store data in the database. For example, if we wanted to create a model for a blog post, we could create a Post model with fields such as title, body, and date_published. To learn more about creating models in Django, check out the official Django documentation. Once you have created your models, you can use the makemigrations and migrate commands to create the database tables for your models.

Step 4: Create the Views

In this step, we will create the views for our Django project. Views are responsible for rendering the HTML templates and returning the response to the user. We will use the django.views.generic module to create our views. We will also use the render() function to render our templates. To create a view, we need to define a class that inherits from django.views.generic.View. This class will contain the logic for our view.

from django.views.generic import View

class MyView(View):
    def get(self, request):
        # Render the template and return the response
        return render(request, 'my_template.html')

We can also use class-based views to create more complex views with less code. To learn more about creating views in Django, please refer to the official Django documentation.

Step 5: Create the Templates

In this step, we will create the templates for our Django and Ember.js application. We will use the django-ember package to help us create the templates. This package provides a set of template tags that make it easy to create and render Ember.js components in Django templates. To install the package, run the following command in your terminal:

pip install django-ember

Once the package is installed, you can start creating your templates. To do this, create a new file in your project directory called templates/index.html. This file will contain the HTML code for your application's main page. Inside this file, add the following code:

{% load ember %}
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>My App</title>
    {% ember_app %}

This code will create an empty page with an Ember.js application embedded in it. You can now start adding components to this page by using the ember_component template tag. For example, to add a simple "Hello World" component, you can use the following code:

{% load ember %}
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>My App</title>
    {% ember_app %}

    {% ember_component "hello-world" %}
      Hello World!
    {% endember_component %}


You can also add more complex components by using the Ember.js API. For example, to add a component that displays a list of items, you can use the following code:

{% load ember %}
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>My App</title>

    {% ember_app %}

    {% ember_component "list-items" items=items %}

      <ul class="list-items">

        {% for item in items %}

          <li class="list-item">{{ item }}</li>

        {% endfor %}


    {% endember_component %}


Step 6: Connect Django and Ember.js

In this step, we will learn how to connect Django and Ember.js. This is an important step in creating a web application with both frameworks. To do this, we will need to install the Django REST framework and the Ember Data library.

First, we will install the Django REST framework. This is a powerful tool that allows us to create a RESTful API for our application. To install it, open a terminal window and type in the following command:

pip install djangorestframework

Next, we will install the Ember Data library. This library provides an interface between Ember.js and Django. To install it, open a terminal window and type in the following command:

npm install ember-data

Once both libraries are installed, we can now connect them together. To do this, we will need to create a serializer for our models in Django. This serializer will be used to convert our models into JSON objects that can be consumed by Ember.js. To create a serializer, open up your project's settings file and add the following code:

    'DEFAULT_SERIALIZER_CLASS': 'rest_framework.serializers.ModelSerializer',

Now that our serializer is set up, we can now connect our models to Ember.js. To do this, we will need to create an adapter for each model in Ember.js. The adapter will be responsible for communicating with the Django REST API and retrieving data from it. To create an adapter, open up your project's app/adapters folder and add the following code:

import DS from 'ember-data';
export default DS.RESTAdapter.extend({
    namespace: 'api'

Finally, we can now test our application to make sure everything is working correctly. To do this, open up your browser and navigate to your application's URL. If everything is working correctly, you should see your application running with data from your Django models.

Step 7: Test your Application

Now that you have connected Django and Ember.js, it's time to test your application. To do this, you will need to run the Django development server and the Ember.js development server. To run the Django development server, open a terminal window and navigate to the project directory. Then, type

python runserver
and press enter. This will start the Django development server on port 8000. To run the Ember.js development server, open another terminal window and navigate to the project directory. Then, type
ember serve
and press enter. This will start the Ember.js development server on port 4200. Once both servers are running, open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:4200. You should now see your application running in the browser.

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