How to use Django's Custom Management Commands

Django is a powerful web framework that allows developers to quickly create web applications. One of the most powerful features of Django is its custom management commands. These commands allow developers to create custom commands that can be used to automate tasks, such as creating database tables, running tests, and more. In this tutorial, we will learn how to use Django's custom management commands.

Install Django

The first step is to install Django. You can do this by using the pip package manager. To install Django, open a terminal window and type the following command:

pip install django

This will install the latest version of Django. Once the installation is complete, you can verify that Django is installed by typing the following command:

python -m django --version

This will print out the version of Django that is installed. If everything is installed correctly, you should see something like this:

Django 2.2.13

Create a Django Project

Now that Django is installed, we can create a new project. To do this, open a terminal window and type the following command:

django-admin startproject myproject

This will create a new project called “myproject” in the current directory. Once the project is created, you can change into the project directory by typing the following command:

cd myproject

Now that we are in the project directory, we can start the development server by typing the following command:

python runserver

This will start the development server on port 8000. You can now access the project by visiting http://localhost:8000 in your web browser.

Create a Custom Management Command

Now that we have a Django project, we can create a custom management command. To do this, we will create a new file called “” in the “myproject/myproject” directory. This file should contain the following code:

from import BaseCommandclass Command(BaseCommand): help = 'This is my custom command' def handle(self, *args, **options): print('This is my custom command!')

This code defines a custom command called “mycommand”. The “handle” method is the entry point for the command and is where you can define the logic for the command. In this example, we are simply printing out a message.

Register the Command

Now that we have created our custom command, we need to register it with Django. To do this, open the “myproject/myproject/management/commands” directory and create a new file called “”. This file should contain the following code:

from import BaseCommandfrom myproject.mycommand import Commandclass Command(BaseCommand): help = 'This is my custom command' def handle(self, *args, **options): Command().handle(*args, **options)

This code registers our custom command with Django. Now, when we run the “python” command, our custom command will be available.

Run the Command

Now that our custom command is registered, we can run it. To do this, open a terminal window and type the following command:

python mycommand

This will run our custom command and print out the message that we defined in the “handle” method. If everything is working correctly, you should see the following output:

This is my custom command!

Congratulations! You have successfully created and run a custom management command in Django.


In this tutorial, we learned how to use Django's custom management commands. We installed Django, created a new project, created a custom command, registered the command, and ran the command. Custom management commands are a powerful feature of Django and can be used to automate tasks and make development easier.

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