How to use Django's Middleware to Modify Request and Response Objects

Django's middleware is a powerful tool for modifying request and response objects. It allows developers to customize the behavior of their applications by intercepting requests and responses and making changes to them. In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a middleware class, implement the process_request and process_response methods, add the middleware to the settings file, test the middleware, and deploy the middleware.

Understand the Basics of Middleware

Middleware is a software component that sits between two layers of an application. It is responsible for intercepting requests and responses and making changes to them. For example, a middleware can be used to add authentication to an application, modify the response headers, or add custom logging. In Django, middleware is implemented as a class that contains two methods: process_request and process_response.

Create a Middleware Class

The first step in creating a middleware is to create a class that implements the process_request and process_response methods. The class should be named after the middleware and should be placed in the middleware directory of the application. For example, if the middleware is called MyMiddleware, the class should be named MyMiddleware and should be placed in the middleware directory.

The class should inherit from the django.middleware.base.BaseMiddleware class and should implement the process_request and process_response methods. The process_request method is called when a request is received and the process_response method is called when a response is sent. The methods should accept two arguments: the request and the response.

from django.middleware.base import BaseMiddlewareclass MyMiddleware(BaseMiddleware):    def process_request(self, request):        # code to modify the request        pass    def process_response(self, request, response):        # code to modify the response        pass

Implement the Process_Request Method

The process_request method is called when a request is received. This method should contain the code to modify the request. For example, the code can be used to add authentication to the request or to modify the request headers. The method should return the modified request.

def process_request(self, request):    # code to modify the request    request.headers['X-My-Header'] = 'MyValue'    return request

Implement the Process_Response Method

The process_response method is called when a response is sent. This method should contain the code to modify the response. For example, the code can be used to modify the response headers or to add custom logging. The method should return the modified response.

def process_response(self, request, response):    # code to modify the response    response.headers['X-My-Header'] = 'MyValue'    return response

Add the Middleware to the Settings File

Once the middleware class has been created, it must be added to the settings file. The middleware should be added to the MIDDLEWARE list in the settings file. The middleware should be added at the top of the list if it needs to be executed first, or at the bottom of the list if it needs to be executed last.

MIDDLEWARE = [    'myapp.middleware.MyMiddleware',    # other middleware]

Test the Middleware

Once the middleware has been added to the settings file, it should be tested to ensure that it is working correctly. The middleware can be tested by making a request to the application and checking the request and response objects to ensure that the middleware is modifying them as expected.

Deploy the Middleware

Once the middleware has been tested, it should be deployed to the production environment. The middleware should be deployed to the production environment in the same way that it was deployed to the development environment. The middleware should be added to the settings file and tested to ensure that it is working correctly.


In this tutorial, we learned how to use Django's middleware to modify request and response objects. We created a middleware class, implemented the process_request and process_response methods, added the middleware to the settings file, tested the middleware, and deployed the middleware. Middleware is a powerful tool for customizing the behavior of an application and should be used whenever possible.

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