How to Use Pagination in Django REST framework

Pagination is a powerful tool for managing large amounts of data in Django REST framework. It allows you to break up large datasets into smaller chunks, making it easier to manage and query. In this tutorial, we will learn how to use pagination in Django REST framework.

Install Django REST Framework

The first step is to install Django REST framework. This can be done using the pip command:

pip install django-rest-framework

Once the installation is complete, you can start using the framework in your project.

Add Pagination to Your Settings

The next step is to add pagination to your settings. This can be done by adding the following line to your file:

REST_FRAMEWORK = { 'DEFAULT_PAGINATION_CLASS': 'rest_framework.pagination.PageNumberPagination', 'PAGE_SIZE': 10 }

This will enable pagination in your project. The PAGE_SIZE parameter specifies the number of items to be displayed per page.

Create a Paginator

Once you have enabled pagination in your settings, you can create a paginator. This can be done by creating a Paginator object and passing it the queryset you want to paginate:

from rest_framework.pagination import Paginator paginator = Paginator(queryset, page_size)

The page_size parameter specifies the number of items to be displayed per page. You can also specify the page number you want to display using the page_number parameter.

Use the Paginator

Once you have created the paginator, you can use it to paginate the queryset. This can be done by calling the paginate() method on the paginator object:

page = paginator.paginate(page_number)

The page_number parameter specifies the page number you want to display. The paginate() method will return a Page object, which contains the paginated queryset.

Test the Paginator

Once you have created the paginator and used it to paginate the queryset, you can test it by printing the page object:


This will print the paginated queryset. You can also access the page number, page size, and total number of pages using the page.number, page.size, and page.paginator.num_pages attributes, respectively.


In this tutorial, we have learned how to use pagination in Django REST framework. We have seen how to install Django REST framework, add pagination to our settings, create a paginator, use the paginator, and test the paginator. Pagination is a powerful tool for managing large datasets in Django REST framework.

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