How to use secure cookie flags to prevent cookie hijacking

Cookie hijacking is a type of attack that occurs when an attacker steals a user's cookie and uses it to gain access to the user's account. This type of attack is especially dangerous because it can be used to gain access to sensitive information, such as passwords and credit card numbers. To protect against cookie hijacking, web developers can use secure cookie flags. Secure cookie flags are a set of flags that can be set on a cookie to ensure that it is only sent over secure connections, such as HTTPS.

Understand What Secure Cookie Flags Are

Secure cookie flags are a set of flags that can be set on a cookie to ensure that it is only sent over secure connections, such as HTTPS. These flags can be used to prevent cookie hijacking by ensuring that the cookie is only sent over secure connections. The flags that can be set on a cookie include:

  • Secure - This flag ensures that the cookie is only sent over secure connections.
  • HttpOnly - This flag ensures that the cookie is not accessible to client-side scripts, such as JavaScript.
  • SameSite - This flag ensures that the cookie is only sent when the request originates from the same site as the cookie.

Enable Secure Cookie Flags

To enable secure cookie flags, web developers must set the flags on the cookie. This can be done by setting the Secure, HttpOnly, and SameSite flags on the cookie. For example, to set the Secure flag on a cookie, the following code can be used:

Set-Cookie: name=value; Secure

Similarly, to set the HttpOnly flag on a cookie, the following code can be used:

Set-Cookie: name=value; HttpOnly

And to set the SameSite flag on a cookie, the following code can be used:

Set-Cookie: name=value; SameSite=strict

Once the flags have been set on the cookie, the cookie will only be sent over secure connections, and will not be accessible to client-side scripts.

Test Your Configuration

Once the secure cookie flags have been set on the cookie, it is important to test the configuration to ensure that the flags are working correctly. To test the configuration, web developers can use a tool such as OWASP's Cookie Attributes Testing Tool. This tool can be used to test the configuration of the cookie and ensure that the flags are working correctly.

Monitor Your Logs

Once the secure cookie flags have been set on the cookie, it is important to monitor the logs to ensure that the flags are working correctly. Web developers should monitor the logs for any suspicious activity, such as attempts to access the cookie without the secure flags set. If any suspicious activity is detected, web developers should take action to prevent further attacks.


Secure cookie flags are a set of flags that can be set on a cookie to ensure that it is only sent over secure connections, such as HTTPS. These flags can be used to prevent cookie hijacking by ensuring that the cookie is only sent over secure connections. To enable secure cookie flags, web developers must set the flags on the cookie. Once the flags have been set, it is important to test the configuration and monitor the logs to ensure that the flags are working correctly.

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