How to Use the Binary Ninja Debugger in Kali Linux

Install Binary Ninja on Kali Linux

Installing Binary Ninja on Kali Linux is a simple process. First, you need to download the Binary Ninja package from the official website. Once the package is downloaded, you can install it using the command line. To do this, open a terminal window and type the following command: sudo dpkg -i binaryninja-linux-x64.deb. This will install Binary Ninja on your system. After the installation is complete, you can launch Binary Ninja from the command line by typing binaryninja. You can also launch it from the Kali Linux menu.

Once Binary Ninja is installed, you can start using it to debug and analyze binary files. To do this, you need to load the binary file into Binary Ninja. You can do this by clicking on the “Load Binary” button in the main window. Once the binary file is loaded, you can set breakpoints and start debugging. You can also step through the code and analyze it to understand how it works.

Launch Binary Ninja

Launching Binary Ninja on Kali Linux is a simple process. First, open a terminal window and type binaryninja to launch the application. You will be presented with the main window of Binary Ninja. From here, you can open a binary file to begin debugging. You can also set breakpoints, start debugging, step through the code, and analyze the code.

$ binaryninja

Load the Binary File

In this step of the tutorial, we will learn how to load a binary file into Binary Ninja in Kali Linux. To do this, open the Binary Ninja application and select the "File" menu. From there, select "Open" and navigate to the binary file you wish to load. Once you have selected the file, click "Open" to load it into Binary Ninja. You can also drag and drop the binary file into the Binary Ninja window to load it.

Once the binary file is loaded, you can view the code in the Binary Ninja window. To do this, you can use the "View" menu and select "Disassembly" to view the assembly code. You can also use the "View" menu and select "Source" to view the source code. You can also use the "View" menu and select "Graph" to view the graph of the code.

To make sure the binary file is loaded correctly, you can use the file command in the terminal. This command will display the type of file and the architecture of the binary file. For example, if you are loading a 64-bit ELF file, the output of the file command should be ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV). If the output is different, then the binary file is not loaded correctly.

Now that you have loaded the binary file into Binary Ninja, you can start debugging it. To learn how to set breakpoints, start debugging, and step through the code, please refer to the next steps of this tutorial.

Set Breakpoints

Setting breakpoints in Binary Ninja is a great way to debug your code. It allows you to pause the execution of your program at a certain point and examine the state of the program. To set a breakpoint in Binary Ninja, open the binary file you want to debug and navigate to the line of code you want to set the breakpoint on. Then, right-click on the line of code and select “Set Breakpoint” from the context menu. You can also set breakpoints by pressing the F9 key. Once the breakpoint is set, you can start debugging your program. You can also set breakpoints in the command line by using the b command. For example, to set a breakpoint at address 0x1234, you would type

b 0x1234
in the command line. You can also set breakpoints on functions by typing
b <function_name>
in the command line. Once the breakpoints are set, you can start debugging your program and step through the code.

Start Debugging

Now that you have installed Binary Ninja on Kali Linux, launched it, loaded the binary file, and set breakpoints, you are ready to start debugging. To begin, click the “Debug” button in the top right corner of the Binary Ninja window. This will open the debugger window, which will show the current state of the program. You can use the debugger window to step through the code, analyze the code, and view the values of variables. To step through the code, click the “Step” button in the debugger window. This will execute the next line of code and update the debugger window with the new values. You can also use the “Step Over” button to step over a line of code without executing it. To analyze the code, you can use the “Analyze” button in the debugger window. This will open the analysis window, which will show the control flow graph of the program. You can use this to view the different paths the program can take and to identify potential bugs. Finally, you can view the values of variables by hovering over them in the debugger window. This will show the current value of the variable in the bottom right corner of the window.

Step Through the Code

Once you have set the breakpoints, you can start debugging the binary file. To do this, you need to use the run command in Binary Ninja. This command will start the debugger and execute the binary file until it reaches the breakpoint. You can then use the step command to step through the code line by line. This will allow you to analyze the code and understand how it works. You can also use the stepi command to step through the code instruction by instruction. This is useful for debugging assembly code. You can also use the next command to execute the next line of code without stepping into any functions. This is useful for quickly executing code without having to step through it line by line. Finally, you can use the continue command to continue execution until the next breakpoint is reached.

Using the step, stepi, next, and continue commands in Binary Ninja will allow you to step through the code and analyze it. This is a great way to understand how the code works and debug any issues you may be having. For more information on using the Binary Ninja debugger, you can check out the official documentation.

Analyze the Code

Once you have set breakpoints and started debugging, you can analyze the code in Binary Ninja. This is done by stepping through the code and examining the instructions. You can also use the built-in decompiler to view the code in a more readable format. To do this, simply select the instruction you want to view and click the “Decompile” button. This will open a new window with the decompiled code. You can also use the “Analyze” button to view the control flow graph of the code. This will show you the different paths the code can take and help you understand the logic behind the code.

To get a better understanding of the code, you can also use the “Symbols” tab to view the symbols used in the code. This will show you the names of variables, functions, and other elements used in the code. You can also use the “References” tab to view the references to the code. This will show you where the code is being used in other parts of the program.

By using the Binary Ninja debugger in Kali Linux, you can easily analyze the code and understand the logic behind it. This will help you debug your programs and find any errors or bugs.

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