How to Use the MITMf Tool for Man-in-the-Middle Attacks in Kali Linux

Install MITMf

MITMf is a Man-in-the-Middle attack tool that can be used to intercept and modify network traffic. It is available for Kali Linux and can be installed with the following command:

sudo apt-get install mitmf

Once the installation is complete, you can verify the installation by running the following command:

mitmf --help

This will display the help menu for MITMf, which will show you all the available options and commands. You can also check the version of MITMf you have installed by running the following command:

mitmf --version

Once you have verified the installation, you can move on to setting up the network interfaces for the attack. For more information on how to use MITMf, you can refer to the official documentation.

Set Up Network Interfaces

In order to use the MITMf tool for Man-in-the-Middle attacks in Kali Linux, you must first set up the network interfaces. This can be done by using the ifconfig command. To set up the network interfaces, you must first determine the IP address of the target machine. This can be done by using the ifconfig command. Once you have determined the IP address of the target machine, you can then set up the network interfaces on the attacking machine. This can be done by using the ifconfig command with the -a option. This will allow you to set up the network interfaces on the attacking machine. Once the network interfaces have been set up, you can then start the MITMf tool.

ifconfig -a

Start the MITMf Tool

In this step, we will start the MITMf tool in Kali Linux. To do this, open a terminal window and type the following command: mitmf --help. This will display the help menu for the MITMf tool. To start the tool, type the following command: mitmf --spoof --arp --gateway --target This command will start the MITMf tool and spoof the ARP cache of the target machine. You can also use the --hsts option to enable HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security) spoofing. To view the available options, type mitmf --help in the terminal window.

Once the MITMf tool is running, you can select an attack from the list of available options. To view the list of available attacks, type mitmf --list in the terminal window. You can also use the --sniff option to monitor the traffic on the network. This will allow you to view the data being sent and received by the target machine.

Finally, you can use the --log option to log all the traffic on the network. This will allow you to analyze the data and identify any malicious activity. For more information on using the MITMf tool, please refer to the official documentation.

Select an Attack

Once you have installed MITMf and set up the network interfaces, you can start the tool and select an attack. MITMf offers a wide range of attacks, from simple ARP spoofing to more advanced attacks such as DNS spoofing and SSL stripping. To select an attack, you can use the --spoof option. For example, to perform an ARP spoofing attack, you can use the following command:

mitmf --spoof --arp

You can also use the --set option to set the target IP address and the gateway IP address. For example, to set the target IP address to and the gateway IP address to, you can use the following command:

mitmf --set targetip= --set gatewayip=

Once you have selected an attack, you can start the attack by running the --run option. For example, to start the ARP spoofing attack, you can use the following command:

mitmf --run --spoof --arp

You can also use the --help option to get more information about the available attacks and options. For more information about MITMf and how to use it, you can visit the GitHub page.

Monitor the Traffic

Once the MITMf tool is running, you can monitor the traffic that is being intercepted. To do this, open a web browser and navigate to the IP address of the MITMf server. You should see a page with a list of all the intercepted traffic. You can click on any of the entries to view the details of the traffic. You can also use the tcpdump command to view the traffic in real-time. To do this, open a terminal window and type the following command:

tcpdump -i eth0 -n -s 0 -w dump.pcap

This command will capture all the traffic on the network interface eth0 and save it to a file called dump.pcap. You can then use a tool like Wireshark to view the contents of the file. Wireshark is a powerful network protocol analyzer that can be used to analyze the traffic that is being intercepted by the MITMf tool. You can also use the mitmf-sniffer command to view the traffic in real-time. To do this, open a terminal window and type the following command:

mitmf-sniffer -i eth0

This command will capture all the traffic on the network interface eth0 and display it in the terminal window. You can use this command to monitor the traffic that is being intercepted by the MITMf tool. Once you have finished monitoring the traffic, you can stop the MITMf tool by pressing Ctrl+C in the terminal window.

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