How to Use the NoSQLMap Tool for NoSQL Injection Attacks in Kali Linux

Install NoSQLMap

NoSQLMap is an open source tool used for automated NoSQL injection attacks and database security auditing. It is available for Kali Linux and can be installed using the following command:

sudo apt-get install nosqlmap

Once the installation is complete, you can change the directory to the NoSQLMap folder using the following command:

cd /opt/NoSQLMap

You can then run NoSQLMap using the following command:


Once NoSQLMap is running, you can enter the target URL and select the options you want to use for the attack. You can then execute the attack and analyze the results.

Change Directory

In this step of the tutorial, we will learn how to change the directory in Kali Linux to the NoSQLMap directory. To do this, we will use the cd command. This command is used to change the current working directory. To change the directory to the NoSQLMap directory, we will use the following command:

cd /opt/NoSQLMap
After running this command, you should be in the NoSQLMap directory. From here, you can run the NoSQLMap tool and start your NoSQL injection attack.

Run NoSQLMap

NoSQLMap is a powerful tool for performing NoSQL injection attacks in Kali Linux. To run NoSQLMap, open a terminal window and change directory to the location of the NoSQLMap installation. Then, type the command python and press enter. This will launch the NoSQLMap tool.

Once the NoSQLMap tool is running, enter the target URL of the website you want to attack. Then, select the options you want to use for the attack. You can choose from a variety of options, such as the type of attack, the type of database, and the type of payload. Once you have selected the options, click the "Execute Attack" button to begin the attack.

NoSQLMap will then execute the attack and analyze the results. If the attack is successful, NoSQLMap will display the results in the terminal window. You can then use the results to further analyze the vulnerability of the website.

Enter Target URL

In this step of the tutorial, we will enter the target URL for the NoSQLMap tool to scan for NoSQL injection vulnerabilities. To do this, open a terminal window in Kali Linux and change the directory to the NoSQLMap folder. Then, run the NoSQLMap tool with the command python After the tool is running, enter the target URL in the prompt. Make sure to include the full URL, including the protocol (e.g. http:// or https://).

cd nosqlmap
Enter target URL:

Once the target URL is entered, the NoSQLMap tool will scan the website for NoSQL injection vulnerabilities. For more information on how to use the NoSQLMap tool, please refer to the official NoSQLMap Wiki.

Select Options

Once you have entered the target URL, you can select the options you want to use for the NoSQLMap attack. To do this, type set and press enter. This will display a list of available options that you can use to customize the attack. You can select the options you want to use by typing the option name and the value you want to set it to. For example, to set the threads option to 10, type set threads 10 and press enter. You can also use the show options command to view the options you have set. Once you have selected the options you want to use, you can execute the attack by typing run and pressing enter.

Execute Attack

Now that you have selected the options for your NoSQLMap attack, you can execute it. To do this, type the following command in the terminal: python -u <target_url>. This will start the attack and you will see the results in the terminal. You can also save the results to a file by using the -o option. For example, python -u <target_url> -o <output_file>. Once the attack is complete, you can analyze the results to determine if the target is vulnerable to NoSQL injection attacks.

Analyze Results

Once the NoSQLMap attack has been executed, it is time to analyze the results. The output of the attack will be displayed in the terminal window. It is important to review the output carefully to determine if the attack was successful. If the attack was successful, the output will contain information about the vulnerable parameters and the data that was retrieved. If the attack was not successful, the output will contain information about the parameters that were tested and the results of the tests.

It is also important to review the log files that are generated by NoSQLMap. These log files contain detailed information about the attack and can be used to further analyze the results. To view the log files, use the cat command to view the contents of the log file. For example, to view the log file for the attack, use the following command:

cat nosqlmap.log

The log file will contain detailed information about the attack, including the parameters that were tested, the results of the tests, and any data that was retrieved. This information can be used to further analyze the results of the attack and determine if the attack was successful.

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