How to Use the radare2 Reverse Engineering Framework in Kali Linux

Sudo apt-get install radare2

In this tutorial, we will learn how to install the radare2 reverse engineering framework in Kali Linux. Radare2 is a powerful open-source framework for reverse engineering and binary analysis. It is used to analyze, debug, and modify binary files. To install radare2, open a terminal window and type the following command:
sudo apt-get install radare2
This command will install the radare2 package from the Kali Linux repository. Once the installation is complete, you can start using radare2 by typing the following command:
This will open the radare2 console, where you can start analyzing and modifying binary files. To open a file in radare2, type the following command:
r2 <filename>
Once the file is open, you can use the following commands to analyze it:
aa  // Analyze all
s   // Seek to a specific address
pdf // Print disassembled function
V   // Visual mode
wx  // Write hexadecimal value
wa  // Write assembly code
wf  // Write file
wf <filename> // Write file to a specific filename
q!  // Quit radare2
These commands will help you analyze and modify binary files using radare2. For more information on radare2, please visit the radare2 website.


Radare2 is a powerful reverse engineering framework used in Kali Linux. It is used to analyze, debug, and manipulate binary files. To install radare2 in Kali Linux, open a terminal and type sudo apt-get install radare2. After installation, you can use the r2 command to open a binary file. To open a file, type r2 <filename>. This will open the file in the radare2 console.

Once the file is open, you can use the aa command to analyze the file. This will analyze the file and provide information about the functions, strings, and other data. You can also use the s command to seek to a specific address in the file. The pdf command will print the disassembly of the file. The V command will open the visual mode of radare2.

You can also use radare2 to modify the binary file. To write to the file, use the wx command. To write the changes to the file, use the wa command. To write the changes to a new file, use the wf <filename> command. Finally, to exit the radare2 console, use the q! command.

Radare2 is a powerful reverse engineering framework used in Kali Linux. With it, you can analyze, debug, and manipulate binary files. To get started, install radare2 using the sudo apt-get install radare2 command. Then, use the r2 <filename> command to open a binary file. After that, use the aa, s, and pdf commands to analyze the file. You can also use the V command to open the visual mode of radare2. Finally, use the wx, wa, and wf <filename> commands to modify the binary file, and the q! command to exit the radare2 console.

r2 <filename>

In this step of the tutorial, we will learn how to use the r2 command to open a file in Kali Linux using the radare2 reverse engineering framework. To begin, you must first install radare2 using the command sudo apt-get install radare2. Once installed, you can open a file in radare2 by typing r2 <filename>. This will open the file in the radare2 console. From here, you can use various commands to analyze the file, such as aa to analyze all, s to seek to a specific address, pdf to print the disassembly of a function, V to view the graph of the program, wx to write hexadecimal values to memory, wa to write assembly instructions to memory, and wf <filename> to write the contents of a file to memory. When you are finished, you can exit the radare2 console by typing q!.

sudo apt-get install radare2
r2 <filename>
wf <filename>


The aa command in radare2 is used to analyze the entire binary and its functions. This command is used to identify the functions and their parameters, and to create a graph of the program's control flow. It is also used to identify the strings and symbols used in the program. To use the aa command in Kali Linux, open a terminal window and type r2 followed by the name of the binary file you want to analyze. Then type aa to analyze the entire binary. The output of the command will show the functions and their parameters, as well as the strings and symbols used in the program. To view the control flow graph, type V and then pdf. This will open a graphical representation of the program's control flow.

Step s: Using the s Command in Radare2

The s command in Radare2 is used to seek to a specific address in the program. This command is useful for navigating to a specific part of the program, such as a function or a loop. To use the s command, simply type s <address> into the Radare2 console. For example, to seek to address 0x400000, type s 0x400000. You can also use the s command to seek to a specific offset in the program. To do this, type s +<offset> into the Radare2 console. For example, to seek to offset 0x1000, type s +0x1000.

The s command is an essential part of the Radare2 reverse engineering framework, and is used to navigate to specific parts of the program. It is important to understand how to use the s command in order to effectively use Radare2.


The pdf command in radare2 is used to print the disassembly of the current function. It is a powerful tool for reverse engineering and can be used to analyze the code of a program. To use the pdf command, open the program in radare2 and type pdf in the command line. This will print the disassembly of the current function. The output will include the address, the opcode, the mnemonic, and the operands of each instruction. This can be used to analyze the code and understand how the program works. Additionally, the pdf command can be used to analyze the control flow of the program. By using the pdf command, you can quickly identify the entry point of the program, the functions that are called, and the instructions that are executed. This can be used to understand the behavior of the program and identify potential vulnerabilities.

V - Viewing the Disassembly in radare2

In this step of the tutorial, we will learn how to use the V command in radare2 to view the disassembly of a binary file. The V command is used to open the visual mode of radare2, which allows us to view the disassembly of a binary file in a graphical interface. To use the V command, we first need to open the binary file in radare2. We can do this by running the r2 command followed by the filename. Once the file is open, we can use the V command to open the visual mode. In the visual mode, we can use the arrow keys to navigate the disassembly and the s command to step into the disassembly. We can also use the pdf command to view the disassembly in a printable format. The V command is a powerful tool for reverse engineering and can be used to quickly analyze the structure of a binary file.


The wx command in radare2 is used to write data to the current address. It is a powerful tool for reverse engineering and can be used to modify the code of a program. To use the wx command, you must first specify the address and the data to be written. For example, to write the value 0x1234 to address 0x1000, you would use the command wx 1234 @ 0x1000. The wx command can also be used to write data from a file. To do this, you must first use the wf command to write the data from the file to the current address. Then, you can use the wx command to write the data from the file to the desired address. For example, to write the contents of the file data.bin to address 0x1000, you would use the commands wf data.bin and wx @ 0x1000.

The wx command is a powerful tool for reverse engineering and can be used to modify the code of a program. It is important to understand how to use the wx command correctly, as it can have unintended consequences if used incorrectly. To learn more about the wx command and other radare2 commands, you can refer to the radare2 book.


The wa command in radare2 is used to write the changes made to the binary file. It is important to note that the changes will not be saved until the wf command is used. To use the wa command, simply type wa in the radare2 console. This will write the changes to the binary file. It is important to note that the changes will not be saved until the wf command is used.

The wa command is an important part of the radare2 reverse engineering framework in Kali Linux. It allows users to make changes to a binary file and save them for later use. This is especially useful when debugging a program or analyzing a malicious file. By using the wa command, users can make changes to a binary file and save them for later use.

To learn more about the wa command and other radare2 commands, please refer to the radare2 book. This book provides detailed information about the radare2 reverse engineering framework and its commands.


The wf command in radare2 is used to write a file to disk. This command is useful when you want to save the changes you have made to a file. To use the wf command, you must first open the file you want to write to disk using the r2 command. Then, you can use the wf command to write the file to disk. For example, if you want to write the file example.bin to disk, you would use the command wf example.bin. You can also use the wf command to write a file to a specific location on disk. For example, if you want to write the file example.bin to the /tmp directory, you would use the command wf /tmp/example.bin.

To write a file to disk using the wf command in Kali Linux, open a terminal window and type

sudo apt-get install radare2
to install radare2. Then, type
to open the radare2 console. Next, type
r2 <filename>
to open the file you want to write to disk. Finally, type
wf <filename>
to write the file to disk. You can also use the wf command to write a file to a specific location on disk. For example, if you want to write the file example.bin to the /tmp directory, you would use the command
wf /tmp/example.bin

Using the wf command in radare2 is a great way to save the changes you have made to a file. With the wf command, you can easily write a file to disk in Kali Linux.

wf <filename>

The wf command in radare2 is used to write the current file to a new file. This command is useful when you want to save the changes you have made to the file. To use the wf command, you need to specify the name of the new file you want to write to. For example, if you want to write the current file to a new file called newfile.bin, you would use the command wf newfile.bin. You can also use the wf command to write the current file to a different format. For example, if you want to write the current file to a different format such as ELF, you would use the command wf -f elf newfile.elf.

$ sudo apt-get install radare2
$ r2
$ r2 <filename>
$ aa
$ s
$ pdf
$ V
$ wx
$ wa
$ wf
$ wf <filename>
$ q!
The wf command is an important part of the radare2 reverse engineering framework in Kali Linux. It allows you to save the changes you have made to a file and write it to a new file. It also allows you to write the current file to a different format. For more information about the wf command, you can refer to the radare2 documentation.

q! - Quit radare2

The q! command is used to quit radare2 in Kali Linux. This command is used to exit the radare2 framework and return to the command line. To use this command, simply type q! in the radare2 console. This will terminate the radare2 session and return you to the command line.

It is important to note that the q! command will not save any changes that have been made to the file. If you have made any changes to the file, you must use the wf command to save them before exiting radare2. To save the changes, type wf <filename> in the radare2 console, where <filename> is the name of the file you are working on. This will save the changes to the file and allow you to exit radare2 safely.

For more information on using the radare2 framework in Kali Linux, please refer to the Kali Linux radare2 documentation.

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