How to Use WPScan for WordPress Security Testing in Kali Linux

Install WPScan

WPScan is a WordPress security scanner that can be used to scan WordPress websites for security vulnerabilities. It is available for Kali Linux and can be installed with the following command:

sudo apt-get install wpscan

Once the installation is complete, you can update WPScan with the following command:

sudo wpscan --update

This will ensure that you have the latest version of WPScan and that you are able to scan for the latest security vulnerabilities. After the update is complete, you can start scanning your WordPress site for security vulnerabilities.

Update WPScan

WPScan is a powerful security tool for WordPress sites, and it is important to keep it up to date. To update WPScan in Kali Linux, open a terminal window and type the following command:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install wpscan

This command will update the WPScan package and install the latest version. You can also update WPScan manually by downloading the latest version from and extracting the files to the /usr/share/wpscan directory.

Scan WordPress Site

In this step of the tutorial, we will learn how to use WPScan to scan a WordPress site for security vulnerabilities in Kali Linux. WPScan is a free and open source tool for scanning WordPress websites for security vulnerabilities. It is a powerful tool that can detect a wide range of security issues, from outdated plugins and themes to weak passwords and SQL injection vulnerabilities. To scan a WordPress site with WPScan, you will need to have the WPScan tool installed and updated.

Once you have WPScan installed and updated, you can begin scanning your WordPress site. To do this, open a terminal window and type the following command:

wpscan --url
This command will scan the WordPress site located at for security vulnerabilities.

Once the scan is complete, WPScan will generate a report of the security vulnerabilities it has detected. This report will include information about the vulnerabilities, such as the type of vulnerability, the severity of the vulnerability, and the recommended action to take to fix the vulnerability. It is important to analyze the results of the scan carefully and take the recommended actions to fix any security issues that are found.

Once you have taken the necessary steps to fix any security issues that were found, it is important to repeat the scan to ensure that all security issues have been addressed. To do this, simply run the same command as before:

wpscan --url
This will scan the WordPress site again and generate a new report of any security vulnerabilities that may have been missed the first time.

By following these steps, you can use WPScan to scan a WordPress site for security vulnerabilities in Kali Linux. WPScan is a powerful tool that can help you identify and fix security issues on your WordPress site, ensuring that your site is secure and protected from malicious attacks.

Analyze Results

Once you have completed the scan of your WordPress site, it is time to analyze the results. WPScan provides a detailed report of the vulnerabilities found on your site. It is important to review the report and take the necessary steps to fix any issues. To view the report, open the WPScan output file in a text editor. The report will list all the vulnerabilities found, along with the severity of each one.

It is important to note that WPScan does not provide a complete security audit of your WordPress site. It is only able to detect known vulnerabilities. Therefore, it is important to review the report and take the necessary steps to fix any issues.

For example, if WPScan finds a vulnerability in a plugin, you should update the plugin to the latest version. If WPScan finds a vulnerability in the WordPress core, you should update WordPress to the latest version. Additionally, you should also review the code of any plugins or themes that you are using to ensure that they are secure.

Once you have reviewed the report and taken the necessary steps to fix any issues, it is important to repeat the scan to ensure that all vulnerabilities have been addressed.

Repeat Scan

Once you have analyzed the results of the initial scan, you may want to repeat the scan to check for any new vulnerabilities. To do this, you can use the same command as before, but with the --update flag. This will update the WPScan database and check for any new vulnerabilities. The command is as follows:

wpscan --url --update

This will update the WPScan database and check for any new vulnerabilities. After the scan is complete, you can analyze the results and take the necessary steps to secure your WordPress site. It is important to repeat the scan regularly to ensure that your site is secure and up-to-date.

For more information on WPScan and WordPress security testing in Kali Linux, please visit the Kali Linux website.

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