How can I use Gatsby and GraphQL to build a static site that pulls data from multiple sources, such as a headless CMS and an API

In order to use Gatsby and GraphQL to build a static site that pulls data from multiple sources, such as a headless CMS and an API, the first step is to install the Gatsby CLI using the command

npm install -g gatsby-cli
. This will allow you to create a new Gatsby project with the command
gatsby new my-project
. To add the source plugins for the headless CMS and API, you need to add the following code to your gatsby-config.js file:
plugins: [ { resolve: `gatsby-source-headlesscms`, options: { apiURL: ``, queryLimit: 1000, // Defaults to 100 }, }, ]
Finally, you can run
gatsby develop
to start the development server and begin building your static site.

In this tutorial, we will learn how to install graphql-cli using npm. This is an important step in building a static site that pulls data from multiple sources, such as a headless CMS and an API. To install graphql-cli, open your terminal and type the following command:

npm install -g graphql-cli
After the installation is complete, you can use the graphql-cli to query data from your API or headless CMS. For more information on how to use graphql-cli, please refer to the official documentation here.

Gatsby New My-Project

To create a new Gatsby project, you need to run the command gatsby new my-project. This will create a new directory with the name my-project and install all the necessary dependencies. To do this, you need to have Gatsby CLI installed. You can install it by running npm install -g gatsby-cli. After that, you can create your project by running the command gatsby new my-project.

Once the project is created, you can add plugins to it. For example, if you want to pull data from a headless CMS, you can add the plugin

  resolve: `gatsby-source-headlesscms`,
  options: {
    apiURL: ``,
    queryLimit: 1000, // Defaults to 100
. After adding the plugin, you can start the development server by running gatsby develop.

Plugins: [ { resolve: `gatsby-source-headlesscms`, options: { apiURL: ``, queryLimit: 1000, // Defaults to 100 }, }, ]

In this step of the tutorial, we will be using Gatsby and GraphQL to build a static site that pulls data from multiple sources, such as a headless CMS and an API. To do this, we need to install the Gatsby CLI and GraphQL CLI using npm install -g gatsby-cli and npm install -g graphql-cli. After that, we can create a new project with gatsby new my-project. Finally, we need to add the following plugins to our gatsby-config.js file:

plugins: [ { resolve: `gatsby-source-headlesscms`, options: { apiURL: ``, queryLimit: 1000, // Defaults to 100 }, }, ]
After adding the plugins, we can run gatsby develop to start the development server.

gatsby develop

To start the development server, run the command gatsby develop in the terminal. This will start a local development server on http://localhost:8000. You can access the GraphQL playground at http://localhost:8000/___graphql. This will allow you to query your data from multiple sources, such as a headless CMS and an API. To learn more about Gatsby and GraphQL, check out the Gatsby documentation. You can also find more tutorials on using Gatsby and GraphQL to build static sites that pull data from multiple sources on YouTube.

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