How do I create and use custom directives in a Angular application

Understand the Basics of Directives

Directives are an essential part of Angular applications. They allow developers to extend HTML with custom attributes and elements, which can be used to create powerful components that interact with data in a meaningful way. To understand how directives work, it is important to know what they do and how they are used.

A directive is essentially a function that executes when the DOM (Document Object Model) encounters it during rendering. It can modify existing elements or add new ones based on its instructions. The most common type of directive is an attribute directive, which adds behavior to an existing element by setting certain properties or values.

// Attribute Directive Example: 
<div myCustomDirective> </div>

In this example, AngularJS, the framework for building web applications using JavaScript, uses a custom attribute called “myCustomDirective” as a trigger for executing code associated with that particular element.

Set Up Your Project

In order to create and use custom directives in an Angular application, you must first set up your project. This includes creating a new folder for the project, installing the necessary packages, and setting up the configuration files. To get started, open a terminal window and navigate to where you want to store your project.

mkdir my-angular-project && cd my-angular-project

Next, install Angular CLI, which will help us generate our components:

npm install -g @angular/cli

Once installed, we can now create our Angular application by running this command:

ng new my-app --style=scss --routing=true

This will generate all of the necessary files for our app including package.json , tsconfig.json , angular.json , etc., as well as some basic components such as AppComponent . Now that we have created our app, let's move on to creating our custom directive!

Create Your Directive File

Creating a custom directive in an Angular application is easy. First, you need to create a file for your directive and save it with the .ts extension. Inside this file, you will define the selector of your directive as well as its template and logic. You can also add styles to your directive by creating a separate style sheet or adding them directly into the component's code.

import { Directive } from '@angular/core';
    selector: '[appMyCustomDirective]' // This is how we reference our custom directive in HTML files 
export class MyCustomDirective {

    constructor() {}

    // Here goes all the logic of our custom directives  


Once you have created your file, you can use it inside any other component by importing it and referencing it using its selector name. For more information on how to use directives in Angular applications, check out Angular's official documentation.

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