How do I use the IndexedDB API to store data in the browser for offline use

Create a Database Object

IndexedDB is an API for client-side storage of structured data in web browsers. It allows you to store and retrieve data from the browser, even when offline. To use IndexedDB, you must first create a database object. This can be done by using the method.

var request ="myDatabase", 1); // Create or open DB with version 1
request.onupgradeneeded = function(event) {   // Run this code if DB doesn't exist yet   var db =;   var objectStore = db.createObjectStore("customers", {keyPath: "id"}); }; 

The indexedDB open() method takes two parameters - the name of your database and its version number (which should always start at 1). The onupgradeneeded event handler will run if the database does not already exist, allowing us to create our object store.

Understand What IndexedDB Is

IndexedDB is a web API that allows you to store data in the browser for offline use. It is an object-oriented database, which means it stores data as objects instead of tables and rows like traditional databases. This makes it easier to work with complex data structures such as arrays and objects. IndexedDB also supports transactions, so you can ensure your data remains consistent even when multiple users are accessing the same database.

IndexedDB works by creating a database object that contains all of your stored information. You can then access this object using JavaScript code to read or write values from the database. The API also provides methods for querying and sorting through your stored information, making it easy to find what you need quickly.

// Create a new Database Object 
let db ="myDatabase", 1);  
db.onupgradeneeded = function(event) {   // Create an objectStore inside the Database    let objStore =;     objStore = objStore .createObjectStore("customers"); }; 

Set Up Your Environment

To use the IndexedDB API, you need to set up your environment. This includes setting up a web server and creating an HTML page that will contain the code for accessing and manipulating data stored in IndexedDB. You can also use a local development environment such as XAMPP or WAMP to create a web server on your computer.

Once you have set up your environment, you can start writing code using JavaScript. To access and manipulate data stored in IndexedDB, you must first create a database object by calling

var db ="myDatabase", 1);
. The "myDatabase" parameter is used to specify the name of the database that will be created when this line of code is executed.

You should also understand what IndexedDB is before attempting to write any code with it. It is an asynchronous storage mechanism for storing structured data inside browsers which allows applications to store large amounts of data locally without affecting performance or consuming too much memory.

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