How do I use the Resize Observer API to track element size changes in my web application

Understand the Resize Observer API

The Resize Observer API is a web API that allows developers to track changes in size of an element in a web application. It provides a way to observe changes in size of an element and respond to them accordingly. This API is useful for creating responsive designs, as it allows developers to detect when an element has changed size and respond accordingly. To use the Resize Observer API, developers must first understand how it works and set up the observer.

The Resize Observer API works by observing changes in size of an element and notifying the developer when a change occurs. It also provides a way to disconnect from elements when no longer needed. To use the Resize Observer API, developers must first understand how it works and set up the observer. MDN Web Docs provides detailed documentation on how to use the Resize Observer API. Additionally, CSS Tricks provides a great tutorial on how to use the Resize Observer API in web applications.

Set Up the Resize Observer

To set up the Resize Observer API, you need to create a new instance of the ResizeObserver object. This can be done by using the new ResizeObserver() constructor. Once you have created the instance, you can then use it to observe elements on your web page. To do this, you need to pass in a callback function that will be called whenever an element's size changes. The callback function should accept two arguments: an array of entries and an observer object. The entries array contains information about the elements that have been observed, while the observer object contains information about the observer itself.

You can also pass in an options object when creating a new instance of the ResizeObserver. This object allows you to specify various options such as whether or not to observe changes in the element's content size or border box size. You can also specify whether or not to observe changes in the element's position or scroll position.

Once you have set up the Resize Observer, you can then use it to observe elements on your web page. To do this, you need to call the observe() method on your ResizeObserver instance, passing in the element that you want to observe as an argument.

Observe Elements

The Resize Observer API allows you to observe changes in the size of an element. To observe an element, you need to create a new ResizeObserver object and pass it a callback function. The callback function will be called whenever the size of the element changes. You can then use the ResizeObserver's observe() method to start observing the element. The observe() method takes two arguments: the element to observe and an optional options object.

const observer = new ResizeObserver(callback);
observer.observe(element, { 
    box: 'border-box' 

The box option specifies which box model should be used when calculating the size of the element. The default value is content-box, which uses the content box model. You can also specify border-box, which uses the border box model.

Once you have set up the Resize Observer, you can start observing elements. You can observe multiple elements by calling the observe() method multiple times. When an element's size changes, the callback function will be called with a list of entries containing information about the changed elements.

Respond to Changes

The Resize Observer API allows you to respond to changes in the size of an element. This is useful for creating responsive designs, as you can adjust the layout of your web application based on the size of the element. To respond to changes, you need to create a callback function that will be called when the size of the element changes. This callback function should take two arguments: the ResizeObserverEntry object and the ResizeObserver object.

function onSizeChange(entry, observer) {
  // Your code here

The ResizeObserverEntry object contains information about the element that has changed size, such as its width and height. The ResizeObserver object contains information about the observer itself, such as its options and active elements. You can use this information to adjust your layout accordingly.

Once you have created your callback function, you can register it with the Resize Observer using the observe() method. This method takes two arguments: the element to observe and the callback function.

observer.observe(element, onSizeChange);

Now your callback function will be called whenever the size of the element changes. You can use this to adjust your layout accordingly.

Disconnect from Elements

The Resize Observer API allows you to disconnect from elements that you are observing. This is useful when you no longer need to observe an element and want to free up resources. To disconnect from an element, use the unobserve() method. This method takes a single argument, which is the element you want to disconnect from. For example:


Once you have disconnected from an element, the Resize Observer will no longer track changes in its size. You can also disconnect from all elements by using the disconnect() method. This will stop the Resize Observer from tracking any elements.

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