How to Resolve Conflicts in Git

Git is a version control system that helps developers manage their code. It is a powerful tool that allows developers to collaborate on projects and keep track of changes. However, conflicts can arise when multiple developers are working on the same project. This tutorial will show you how to resolve conflicts in Git.

Identify the Conflict

The first step in resolving a conflict in Git is to identify the conflict. This can be done by running the git status command. This will show you which files have conflicts and which branch they are on. Once you have identified the conflict, you can move on to the next step.

Checkout the Branch

Once you have identified the conflict, you need to checkout the branch that contains the conflicting files. This can be done by running the git checkout <branch-name> command. This will switch you to the branch that contains the conflicting files.

Resolve the Conflict

Once you have checked out the branch, you can begin to resolve the conflict. This can be done by manually editing the conflicting files and resolving the conflicts. You can also use a merge tool such as Meld to help you resolve the conflicts. Once you have resolved the conflicts, you can move on to the next step.

Add and Commit the Changes

Once you have resolved the conflicts, you need to add and commit the changes. This can be done by running the git add <file-name> and git commit -m "message" commands. This will add the changes to the repository and commit them to the branch.

Push the Changes

The final step in resolving a conflict in Git is to push the changes. This can be done by running the git push command. This will push the changes to the remote repository and the conflict will be resolved.

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