How to Use Celery with Pyramid in Python

pip install celery

In this step, we will learn how to use Celery, a distributed task queue for Python, with Pyramid in order to create web APIs. To get started, you need to install Celery using the pip package manager:

$ pip install celery

Once installed, you can start creating tasks and running them asynchronously from your Pyramid application. You can also use virtualenvwrapper-win or workon pyramid_celery_project commands to set up a virtual environment for your project if needed.

pip install pyramid

In this step, we will use Pyramid, a Python web framework, to create our Pyramid and Celery project. To get started, you need to install Pyramid using the pip package manager:

$ pip install pyramid

Once installed, you can verify that it is working correctly by running the following command in your terminal:
$ python -m pyramid --version

This should output the version of Pyramid that was installed on your system. You are now ready to move onto creating a virtual environment for your project with virtualenvwrapper-win.


In this step, we will create a Pyramid project with Celery. First, you need to install the necessary packages using pip install celery, and pip install pyramid. Then, create a new project called pyramid_celery_project. To do so, use virtualenvwrapper-win by running the command:

workon pyramid_celery_project 
. This will set up your environment for the new project. Once it is done, you can start developing your application with Celery.


In order to use Celery with Pyramid in Python, you need to install virtualenvwrapper-win. This is a tool that allows you to create and manage multiple isolated Python environments on Windows. To install it, open the command prompt and type

pip install virtualenvwrapper-win
. Once installed, you can create a new environment for your project by typing
workon pyramid_celery_project
. This will activate the newly created environment so that all packages installed within this environment are only available within this specific context. You can learn more about virtualenvwrapper-win from its official documentation page at

workon pyramid_celery_project

In this step, we will use the virtualenvwrapper-win package to create a virtual environment for our Pyramid and Celery project. To do so, open up your command line interface (CLI) and type in:

workon pyramid_celery_project
. This will activate the virtual environment that was created with the pyramid_celery_project. Now you can start using both Pyramid and Celery together in Python.

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