How to make HTTP requests with React

React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It is used by many developers to create web applications and mobile apps. One of the most important features of React is its ability to make HTTP requests. In this tutorial, we will learn how to make HTTP requests with React.

Install Axios

Axios is a popular library for making HTTP requests with React. To install Axios, open a terminal window and run the following command:

npm install axios

This will install Axios and all of its dependencies. Once the installation is complete, you can start using Axios in your React application.

Import Axios

Once Axios is installed, you need to import it into your React application. To do this, open the file where you want to make the HTTP request and add the following line of code:

import axios from 'axios';

This will import the Axios library into your React application. Now you can start making HTTP requests.

Make the Request

Now that Axios is imported, you can start making HTTP requests. To make a request, you need to call the axios.get() method. This method takes two arguments: the URL of the request and an object containing any additional options. For example, to make a GET request to the GitHub API, you can use the following code:

axios.get('', { params: { client_id: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID', client_secret: 'YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET' }});

This code will make a GET request to the GitHub API and pass the client ID and client secret as query parameters. You can also use the method to make POST requests.

Handle the Response

Once you make the request, Axios will return a response object. This object contains the response data as well as information about the request, such as the status code and headers. To handle the response, you need to use the .then() method. This method takes a callback function as an argument. The callback function will be called when the response is received. For example, to log the response data, you can use the following code:

axios.get('', { params: { client_id: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID', client_secret: 'YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET' }}).then(response => { console.log(;});

This code will log the response data to the console. You can also use the .catch() method to handle any errors that occur during the request.

Use the Data

Once you have the response data, you can use it in your React application. For example, if you are making a request to the GitHub API, you can use the response data to display a list of users. To do this, you can use the map() method to loop through the response data and create a list of users. For example, the following code will create a list of users from the response data:

axios.get('', { params: { client_id: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID', client_secret: 'YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET' }}).then(response => { const users = => { return (
  • {user.login}
  • ); });});

    This code will create a list of users from the response data. You can then use this list in your React application.


    In this tutorial, we learned how to make HTTP requests with React. We installed Axios, imported it into our React application, made the request, handled the response, and used the data. With this knowledge, you can start making HTTP requests in your React applications.

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