How to use directives in Angular

Directives are an important part of Angular, and they are used to extend the functionality of the framework. Directives are used to create custom HTML elements, and they can be used to manipulate the DOM, create custom components, and more. In this tutorial, we will learn how to use directives in Angular.

Understand the Basics of Directives

Directives are a powerful feature of Angular that allow developers to extend the functionality of the framework. Directives are used to create custom HTML elements, and they can be used to manipulate the DOM, create custom components, and more.Directives are created using the @Directive decorator. This decorator is used to define the selector, template, and other properties of the directive. The selector is used to identify the directive in the HTML, and the template is used to define the HTML that will be rendered when the directive is used.

Create a Directive

To create a directive, you must first create a class that will contain the logic for the directive. This class should be decorated with the @Directive decorator. The @Directive decorator takes an object that contains the selector and other properties of the directive.For example, the following code creates a directive with the selector my-directive:@Directive({ selector: 'my-directive'})export class MyDirective { // Directive logic goes here}Once the directive class has been created, you can add the logic for the directive. This logic can include methods, properties, and other code that will be used by the directive.

Use the Directive

Once the directive has been created, it can be used in the HTML. To use the directive, you must add the directive's selector to the HTML. For example, if the directive's selector is my-directive, you can use the directive in the HTML like this:When the HTML is rendered, the directive's template will be rendered in place of the my-directive element.

Pass Data to the Directive

Directives can accept data from the HTML. This data can be used to customize the behavior of the directive. To pass data to the directive, you must use the @Input decorator.The @Input decorator takes an object that contains the name of the input and the type of the input. For example, the following code creates an input called myInput that is of type string:@Input({ name: 'myInput', type: 'string'})myInput: string;Once the input has been created, it can be used in the HTML. To use the input, you must add an attribute to the directive's element with the name of the input and the value of the input. For example, if the input is called myInput, you can use it in the HTML like this:The value of the input will be passed to the directive, and it can be used in the directive's logic.

Use the Directive’s Output

Directives can also emit data to the HTML. This data can be used to notify the HTML when something has happened in the directive. To emit data from the directive, you must use the @Output decorator.The @Output decorator takes an object that contains the name of the output and the type of the output. For example, the following code creates an output called myOutput that is of type string:@Output({ name: 'myOutput', type: 'string'})myOutput: string;Once the output has been created, it can be used in the HTML. To use the output, you must add an attribute to the directive's element with the name of the output and the value of the output. For example, if the output is called myOutput, you can use it in the HTML like this:The value of the output will be passed to the HTML, and it can be used in the HTML's logic.

Use the Directive’s Lifecycle Hooks

Directives have lifecycle hooks that are called at different points in the directive's lifecycle. These hooks can be used to perform logic when the directive is created, destroyed, or updated.The lifecycle hooks are defined in the directive's class. To define a lifecycle hook, you must use the @LifecycleHook decorator. The @LifecycleHook decorator takes an object that contains the name of the hook and the type of the hook. For example, the following code creates a hook called onInit that is of type void:@LifecycleHook({ name: 'onInit', type: 'void'})onInit() { // Hook logic goes here}Once the hook has been created, it will be called at the appropriate time in the directive's lifecycle.

Use the Directive’s Host Listeners

Directives can also listen for events on the host element. This allows the directive to respond to events on the host element, such as clicks, mouseovers, and more. To listen for events on the host element, you must use the @HostListener decorator.The @HostListener decorator takes an object that contains the name of the event and the type of the event. For example, the following code creates a listener for the click event that is of type MouseEvent:@HostListener({ event: 'click', type: 'MouseEvent'})onClick(event: MouseEvent) { // Listener logic goes here}Once the listener has been created, it will be called when the event is triggered on the host element.

Use the Directive’s Host Bindings

Directives can also bind properties of the host element. This allows the directive to manipulate the properties of the host element, such as the class, style, and more. To bind properties of the host element, you must use the @HostBinding decorator.The @HostBinding decorator takes an object that contains the name of the property and the type of the property. For example, the following code creates a binding for the class property that is of type string:@HostBinding({ property: 'class', type: 'string'})className: string;Once the binding has been created, it can be used to manipulate the host element's properties.


In this tutorial, we learned how to use directives in Angular. We learned how to create a directive, use the directive, pass data to the directive, use the directive's output, use the directive's lifecycle hooks, use the directive's host listeners, and use the directive's host bindings.Directives are a powerful feature of Angular that allow developers to extend the functionality of the framework. With directives, developers can create custom HTML elements, manipulate the DOM, create custom components, and more.

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