How to use Data Binding in Ember

Data binding is a powerful tool for creating dynamic web applications. It allows developers to create applications that can respond to user input and update the UI accordingly. Ember is a popular JavaScript framework that makes it easy to create data-driven web applications. In this tutorial, we will learn how to use data binding in Ember.

Create a Model

The first step in using data binding in Ember is to create a model. A model is an object that contains the data that will be used in the application. In Ember, models are created using the Ember.Object class. For example, if we wanted to create a model for a user, we could do the following:

var User = Ember.Object.extend({  name: '',  age: 0});

This creates a new model called User with two properties: name and age. We can now create an instance of this model and set its properties:

var user = User.create({  name: 'John Doe',  age: 30});

Create a Template

The next step is to create a template for the application. A template is a HTML document that contains the markup for the application. In Ember, templates are written using the Handlebars templating language. For example, if we wanted to create a template for our user model, we could do the following:

<div>  <h1>{{name}}</h1>  <p>Age: {{age}}</p></div>

This template contains two Handlebars expressions: {{name}} and {{age}}. These expressions will be replaced with the values of the name and age properties of the model when the template is rendered.

Bind the Model to the Template

Now that we have a model and a template, we need to bind the model to the template. This is done using the Ember.View class. The Ember.View class is used to create a view for a template. For example, if we wanted to create a view for our user template, we could do the following:

var UserView = Ember.View.extend({  templateName: 'user',  model: user});

This creates a new view called UserView and sets its templateName property to user, which is the name of our template. It also sets the model property to our user model. This tells Ember to use the user model when rendering the template.

Use the Data in the Template

Now that we have bound the model to the template, we can use the data in the template. This is done using Handlebars expressions. For example, if we wanted to display the user's name in the template, we could do the following:

<div>  <h1>{{name}}</h1>  <p>Age: {{age}}</p></div>

This template contains two Handlebars expressions: {{name}} and {{age}}. These expressions will be replaced with the values of the name and age properties of the model when the template is rendered.

Test the Data Binding

Once we have bound the model to the template and used the data in the template, we can test the data binding. This is done by changing the values of the model and seeing if the changes are reflected in the template. For example, if we wanted to change the user's name, we could do the following:

user.set('name', 'Jane Doe');

This will change the name property of the user model to Jane Doe. When the template is rendered, the {{name}} expression will be replaced with Jane Doe.


In this tutorial, we learned how to use data binding in Ember. We started by creating a model and a template. We then bound the model to the template and used the data in the template. Finally, we tested the data binding by changing the values of the model and seeing if the changes were reflected in the template. Data binding is a powerful tool for creating dynamic web applications and Ember makes it easy to use.

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