How to use data binding in Svelte

Data binding is a powerful feature of Svelte, a popular JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. It allows developers to create dynamic, reactive applications that respond to user input and data changes. In this tutorial, we'll show you how to use data binding in Svelte to create a dynamic, interactive application.

Create a Svelte Component

The first step in using data binding in Svelte is to create a Svelte component. A Svelte component is a reusable piece of code that can be used to create a user interface. It consists of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code that can be used to create a dynamic, interactive application.

To create a Svelte component, you need to create a file with the .svelte extension. This file should contain the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code for your component. For example, the following code creates a simple Svelte component:

<script> let message = 'Hello World!';</script><h1>{message}</h1>

This code creates a simple Svelte component that displays the message "Hello World!" in an h1 tag. The message variable is declared in the script tag and is used to display the message in the h1 tag.

Declare a Variable

The next step in using data binding in Svelte is to declare a variable. A variable is a piece of data that can be used to store information. In Svelte, variables are declared in the script tag of a Svelte component. For example, the following code declares a variable called message:

<script> let message = 'Hello World!';</script>

This code declares a variable called message and assigns it the value "Hello World!". The variable can then be used in the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code of the Svelte component.

Bind the Variable to the DOM

Once a variable has been declared, it can be bound to the DOM. This means that the value of the variable can be used to update the DOM. In Svelte, this is done using the curly braces syntax. For example, the following code binds the message variable to the DOM:

<script> let message = 'Hello World!';</script><h1>{message}</h1>

This code binds the message variable to the h1 tag. The value of the message variable is used to update the text of the h1 tag. This allows the text of the h1 tag to be updated dynamically when the value of the message variable changes.

Update the Variable

The final step in using data binding in Svelte is to update the variable. This can be done in the JavaScript code of the Svelte component. For example, the following code updates the message variable:

<script> let message = 'Hello World!'; setTimeout(() => { message = 'Goodbye World!'; }, 1000);</script><h1>{message}</h1>

This code updates the message variable after one second. The setTimeout function is used to delay the update of the message variable. Once the message variable is updated, the text of the h1 tag is automatically updated to reflect the new value of the message variable.

In this tutorial, we've shown you how to use data binding in Svelte. We've shown you how to create a Svelte component, declare a variable, bind the variable to the DOM, and update the variable. Data binding is a powerful feature of Svelte that allows developers to create dynamic, interactive applications.

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