How to use data binding in Vue

Data binding is a powerful feature of Vue that allows you to bind data from your application to HTML elements. This tutorial will show you how to use data binding in Vue to create dynamic and interactive web applications.

Create a Vue Instance

The first step in using data binding in Vue is to create a Vue instance. This is done by creating a new Vue object and passing in the data that you want to bind to the HTML elements. For example, if you wanted to bind a list of names to a list of HTML elements, you would create a Vue instance like this:

var app = new Vue({ data: { names: ['John', 'Jane', 'Bob'] } });

This creates a new Vue instance with a data object containing a list of names. This data object can now be used to bind data to HTML elements.

Bind Data to HTML Elements

Once you have created a Vue instance, you can bind data to HTML elements using the v-bind directive. This directive allows you to bind data from the Vue instance to HTML elements. For example, if you wanted to bind the list of names from the Vue instance to a list of HTML elements, you would use the v-bind directive like this:

<ul> <li v-for="name in names" v-bind:key="name">{{ name }}</li> </ul>

This will loop through the list of names in the Vue instance and bind each name to a list item in the HTML. This will create a dynamic list of names that can be updated in the Vue instance and will be reflected in the HTML.

Use Data in Expressions

Data from the Vue instance can also be used in expressions. Expressions are used to display dynamic data in the HTML. For example, if you wanted to display the number of names in the list, you could use an expression like this:

<p>There are {{ names.length }} names in the list.</p>

This expression will display the number of names in the list. This number will be updated automatically when the list of names is changed in the Vue instance.

Use Data in Event Listeners

Data from the Vue instance can also be used in event listeners. Event listeners are used to respond to user input. For example, if you wanted to respond to a button click, you could use an event listener like this:

<button v-on:click="addName">Add Name</button>

This event listener will call the addName method when the button is clicked. This method can use data from the Vue instance to add a new name to the list.

Use Data in Computed Properties

Data from the Vue instance can also be used in computed properties. Computed properties are used to create dynamic data that is based on other data in the Vue instance. For example, if you wanted to create a list of names that are sorted alphabetically, you could use a computed property like this:

computed: { sortedNames: function() { return this.names.sort(); } }

This computed property will create a new list of names that is sorted alphabetically. This list will be updated automatically when the list of names is changed in the Vue instance.


Data binding is a powerful feature of Vue that allows you to bind data from your application to HTML elements. This tutorial has shown you how to use data binding in Vue to create dynamic and interactive web applications. You can use the v-bind directive to bind data to HTML elements, use data in expressions, use data in event listeners, and use data in computed properties.

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