How to use form validation in Vue

Form validation is an important part of any web application. It helps to ensure that the data entered into a form is valid and can be used for further processing. Vue is a popular JavaScript framework that makes it easy to create interactive web applications. In this tutorial, we will learn how to use form validation in Vue.

Set Up the Form

The first step in using form validation in Vue is to set up the form. This can be done by creating a new Vue instance and adding the form elements to it. For example, the following code creates a simple form with two input fields and a submit button:var app = new Vue({ el: '#app', data: { name: '', email: '' }});
The form elements are bound to the data object in the Vue instance using the v-model directive. This allows us to access the form data in the Vue instance.

Add the v-model Directive

The next step is to add the v-model directive to the form elements. This directive allows us to bind the form data to the Vue instance. For example, the following code adds the v-model directive to the name and email fields:The v-model directive binds the form data to the data object in the Vue instance. This allows us to access the form data in the Vue instance.

Add Validation Rules

The next step is to add validation rules to the form elements. This can be done using the v-validate directive. For example, the following code adds a required validation rule to the name and email fields:The v-validate directive allows us to add validation rules to the form elements. This ensures that the data entered into the form is valid before it is submitted.

Add Error Messages

The next step is to add error messages to the form elements. This can be done using the v-show directive. For example, the following code adds an error message to the name and email fields:
Name is required
Email is required
The v-show directive allows us to display an error message if the validation rule is not met. This helps to ensure that the user is aware of any errors in the form data.

Submit the Form

The final step is to submit the form. This can be done using the v-on:submit directive. For example, the following code adds a submit handler to the form:
The v-on:submit directive allows us to add a submit handler to the form. This handler is called when the form is submitted and can be used to process the form data.


Form validation is an important part of any web application. Vue makes it easy to create interactive web applications and add form validation. In this tutorial, we learned how to use form validation in Vue. We set up the form, added the v-model directive, added validation rules, added error messages, and submitted the form.

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