How to use services in Angular

Angular is a popular frontend framework that is used to create web applications. It is a powerful tool that allows developers to create dynamic and interactive web applications. Services are an important part of Angular and are used to provide functionality to the application. In this tutorial, we will learn how to use services in Angular.

Understand What Services Are

Services are a type of component in Angular that provide functionality to the application. They are used to encapsulate business logic and provide a way to access data from external sources. Services are also used to share data between components. Services are typically used to perform tasks such as making API calls, fetching data from a database, or performing calculations.

Create a Service

To create a service in Angular, you need to use the ng generate service command. This command will create a new service file in the src/app directory. The service file will contain a class that will be used to define the service. The class will have a constructor that will be used to inject any dependencies that the service needs.

Add Business Logic

Once the service has been created, you can add business logic to it. This can include methods that will be used to perform tasks such as making API calls, fetching data from a database, or performing calculations. The methods should be defined in the service class and should be marked as public so that they can be accessed from other components.

Inject the Service

Once the service has been created and the business logic has been added, it needs to be injected into the component that will be using it. This can be done by adding the service to the component's constructor. The service will then be available to the component and can be used to access the methods that have been defined in the service.

Use the Service

Once the service has been injected into the component, it can be used to access the methods that have been defined in the service. The methods can be called from the component and the results can be used to update the component's state or to perform other tasks.

Test the Service

Once the service has been created and the business logic has been added, it is important to test the service to make sure that it is working as expected. This can be done by writing unit tests for the service. The unit tests should test the methods that have been defined in the service and should check that the expected results are returned.


In this tutorial, we have learned how to use services in Angular. We have seen how to create a service, add business logic to it, inject it into a component, and use it to access the methods that have been defined in the service. We have also seen how to test the service to make sure that it is working as expected.

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