How to use services in Ember

Ember is a popular JavaScript framework for creating web applications. It is used by many developers to create powerful and interactive web applications. One of the features of Ember is the ability to use services. Services are objects that can be used to share data and functionality between different parts of an application. In this tutorial, we will learn how to use services in Ember.

Understand What Services Are

Services are objects that can be used to share data and functionality between different parts of an application. They are typically used to store data that is used across multiple components or to provide a common set of functionality that can be used in multiple places. Services are also used to provide access to external APIs or other external data sources.

Create a Service

Creating a service in Ember is easy. All you need to do is create a new file in the app/services directory. The file should be named after the service you are creating. For example, if you are creating a service called userService, the file should be named user-service.js. The file should contain the following code:

import Ember from 'ember';export default Ember.Service.extend({});

This code creates a new service object that can be used in your application. You can now add properties and methods to the service.

Define Properties and Methods

Once you have created the service, you can define properties and methods that can be used in your application. For example, if you are creating a service to store user data, you can define a user property that can be used to store the user data. You can also define methods that can be used to manipulate the user data. For example, you can define a getUser() method that can be used to retrieve the user data.

Inject the Service

Once you have defined the properties and methods of the service, you need to inject the service into the components that need to use it. To do this, you need to add the service to the services array in the component's inject property. For example, if you are injecting the userService into a component, you can add the following code to the component:

import Ember from 'ember';export default Ember.Component.extend({ userService: Ember.inject.service(),});

This code will inject the userService into the component. You can now use the service in the component.

Use the Service

Once you have injected the service into the component, you can use the service in the component. For example, if you are using the userService to store user data, you can use the getUser() method to retrieve the user data. You can also use the user property to access the user data. For example, you can use the following code to access the user data:

let user = this.get('userService').getUser();

This code will retrieve the user data from the userService and store it in the user variable.

Test Your Service

Once you have created and used the service, you should test it to make sure it is working correctly. You can use the Ember testing framework to test the service. The testing framework allows you to write tests that will check the functionality of the service. For example, you can write a test to check that the getUser() method is returning the correct user data.


In this tutorial, we have learned how to use services in Ember. We have seen how to create a service, define properties and methods, inject the service into components, and use the service in components. We have also seen how to test the service to make sure it is working correctly. Services are a powerful feature of Ember and can be used to share data and functionality between different parts of an application.

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