How to use the Ember Router

Ember.js is a popular JavaScript framework for creating web applications. It is used to create single-page applications that are fast and responsive. The Ember router is an important part of the framework, as it is responsible for handling the navigation between different parts of the application. In this tutorial, we will learn how to use the Ember router to create a simple application.

Install Ember.js

The first step is to install Ember.js. You can do this by downloading the latest version from the official website. Once you have downloaded the package, you can install it using the command line:

npm install -g ember-cli

This will install the Ember command line interface, which you can use to create and manage your Ember applications.

Create a Router

Once you have installed Ember.js, you can create a router. This is done by creating a file called router.js in the root of your application. This file will contain the code for your router.

The first step is to create a new instance of the Ember router. This is done by calling the method: { // Your router code here});

This will create a new instance of the router, which you can use to define your routes.

Define Routes

Once you have created a router, you can define your routes. A route is a URL that is associated with a particular part of your application. For example, you might have a route for the home page, a route for the about page, and a route for the contact page.

Routes are defined using the Router.route() method. This method takes two arguments: a path and a handler function. The path is the URL of the route, and the handler function is a function that will be called when the route is accessed. For example, to define a route for the home page, you could use the following code:

Router.route('/', { // Handler function});

This will define a route for the home page, which will be accessible at the URL /.

Add Routes to the Router

Once you have defined your routes, you can add them to the router. This is done by calling the Router.add() method. This method takes two arguments: a path and a route object. The path is the URL of the route, and the route object is an object that contains the details of the route.

For example, to add the home page route to the router, you could use the following code:

Router.add('/', { path: '/', handler: function() { // Handler function }});

This will add the home page route to the router, which will be accessible at the URL /.

Connect Routes to Controllers

Once you have added your routes to the router, you can connect them to controllers. A controller is a JavaScript object that is responsible for handling the logic for a particular route. For example, if you have a route for the home page, you might have a controller that is responsible for loading the data for the home page.

Controllers are connected to routes using the Router.connect() method. This method takes two arguments: a path and a controller object. The path is the URL of the route, and the controller object is an object that contains the details of the controller.

For example, to connect the home page route to a controller, you could use the following code:

Router.connect('/', { controller: HomeController});

This will connect the home page route to the HomeController object.

Connect Routes to Templates

Once you have connected your routes to controllers, you can connect them to templates. A template is an HTML file that is responsible for displaying the data for a particular route. For example, if you have a route for the home page, you might have a template that is responsible for displaying the data for the home page.

Templates are connected to routes using the Router.connect() method. This method takes two arguments: a path and a template object. The path is the URL of the route, and the template object is an object that contains the details of the template.

For example, to connect the home page route to a template, you could use the following code:

Router.connect('/', { template: HomeTemplate});

This will connect the home page route to the HomeTemplate object.

Test the Router

Once you have connected your routes to controllers and templates, you can test the router. This is done by running the Ember application and navigating to the different routes. If everything is working correctly, you should be able to navigate to the different routes and see the data that is being displayed.

You can also use the Ember inspector to debug your router. This is a tool that is built into the Ember framework, and it allows you to inspect the state of your application. This can be useful for debugging your router and making sure that everything is working correctly.


In this tutorial, we have learned how to use the Ember router to create a simple application. We have seen how to install Ember.js, create a router, define routes, add routes to the router, connect routes to controllers, connect routes to templates, and test the router. With this knowledge, you should be able to create your own Ember applications with ease.

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