How to use transitions in Svelte

Svelte is a popular frontend framework that allows developers to create powerful web applications with minimal effort. It is a component-based framework that makes it easy to create reusable components and transition between them. In this tutorial, we will learn how to use transitions in Svelte.

Install Svelte

The first step is to install Svelte. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:

npm install -g svelte

This will install the latest version of Svelte on your machine.

Create a new Svelte project

Once Svelte is installed, you can create a new project by running the following command:

svelte create my-project

This will create a new project in the current directory with the name “my-project”. You can then navigate to the project directory and start working on it.

Add the transition component

The next step is to add the transition component to your project. This can be done by adding the following code to your project:

import { Transition } from 'svelte/transition';

This will import the transition component from the Svelte library.

Add the transition to your component

Once the transition component is imported, you can add it to your component by adding the following code:

<Transition> {#if show} <div>My content</div> {/if}</Transition>

This will add the transition component to your component. The transition component will be used to transition between different states of your component.

Add the transition parameters

Once the transition component is added, you can add the transition parameters to it. This can be done by adding the following code:

<Transition {show} from={{ opacity: 0 }} enter={{ opacity: 1 }} leave={{ opacity: 0 }}> {#if show} <div>My content</div> {/if}</Transition>

This will add the transition parameters to the transition component. The transition parameters will be used to control the transition between different states of your component.

Test the transition

Once the transition parameters are added, you can test the transition by running the following command:

svelte-cli serve

This will start a local development server and you can test the transition by navigating to the URL in your browser.


In this tutorial, we learned how to use transitions in Svelte. We started by installing Svelte and creating a new project. We then added the transition component and added the transition parameters. Finally, we tested the transition by running the local development server. Transitions are a powerful tool for creating dynamic and interactive web applications with Svelte.

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