How to use Watchers in Vue

Vue is a popular JavaScript framework for building user interfaces and single-page applications. It is easy to learn and use, and provides powerful features such as data binding, components, and watchers. Watchers are a powerful tool in Vue that allow you to track changes in data and react accordingly. In this tutorial, we will learn how to install Vue, create a Vue instance, add a watcher, use the watcher, and unwatch the property.

Install Vue

The first step is to install Vue. You can do this by downloading the Vue library from the official website. Once you have downloaded the library, you can include it in your HTML page using a <script> tag. You can also use a package manager such as npm or yarn to install Vue.

Create a Vue Instance

Once you have installed Vue, you can create a Vue instance. This is done by creating a new Vue object and passing in an options object. The options object contains the data, methods, and other options for the Vue instance. You can also specify a template for the Vue instance, which will be used to render the data.

Add a Watcher

Once you have created a Vue instance, you can add a watcher. A watcher is a function that will be called whenever the data it is watching changes. To add a watcher, you can use the watch option in the Vue instance. The watch option takes an object with the property name and the watcher function as its value.

Use the Watcher

Once you have added a watcher, you can use it to track changes in the data. The watcher function will be called whenever the data it is watching changes. The watcher function takes two arguments: the new value and the old value. You can use these values to react to the changes in the data.

Unwatch the Property

If you no longer need to watch a property, you can unwatch it. To do this, you can use the unwatch method on the Vue instance. The unwatch method takes the property name as its argument and will remove the watcher for that property.


In this tutorial, we have learned how to use watchers in Vue. We have seen how to install Vue, create a Vue instance, add a watcher, use the watcher, and unwatch the property. Watchers are a powerful tool in Vue that allow you to track changes in data and react accordingly.

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